Saturday, January 29, 2011

Twas the Night

The Awakening ministry team presented 'Twas the Night', at the river stage before Christmas. Lots of good music(with Kellen leading worship) and the Christmas story read in between songs. Annie you were a fabulous Christmas story reader!!:)
It was a fun night!!

Christmas pictures

At Granny and Papa's Roy was playing on the floor with children and they finally got him down good. !

Jimmie and Uncle Billy throwing the football.
The Bodenhamers gathered at Roy's Uncle Lee and Aunt Sandra's this year. Lots of fun, the weather was perfect.

More wagon rides

Stella was determined to pull this full load.

Wonderful times as we all celebrated Jesus birthday and enjoyed family fellowship

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Amy's getting big!!!

Last week we couldn't find Amy and I told all the children to start looking for her. Some went outside and others looked around the house. Joy went up stairs and found Amy asleep in Stella's bed. She's getting so big.

Patty saw the little's playing cards and Amy kneeling down beside them like she was playing too.:)

Annual Sausage Makingn

After grinding about 500 lbs. of meat. We stuffed about 300 lbs. and bagged the rest.

Amy and Sierra turning the stuffer. Joshua holding and twisting.

"Come on muscles, crank!!!"

Twisting the ring before tying so no air gets in.

Some stuffed and some ground.

We had our annual sausage making last week. Roy's family gets together every year to make sausage. Lots of work, fun and good eatin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We bagged some fresh too for pan fry. Michael was in charge of rolling the bags flat after we got the air out.

And, little did we know there was a concert going on up stairs while we were down stairs working.:)

Turning guts. All the Little's help granny.

Michael helping granny turn guts. He claims he turned the longest one.

Grinding the meat and the Little's spreading it out or playing in it. :)