Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rain, Mud, Cabin Fever, Bikes, and the front porch

We have been blessed with rain recently. Praise the Lord!! This creates mud and children who want to play in the rain and mud. Like ride their bikes through the puddles and come back with caliche from head to toe. Its all good and I don't mind until the mud comes in the house. I got everyone cleaned up and told them to stay in for a while. The cabin fever set in again. They asked if they could go out on the front porch. I agreed, not knowing they had their bikes on the porch. Michael and his bike went off the porch (about 4 feet off the ground). He came in with a gash on the back of his head (you know how the head bleeds), I stripped him and put him in the tub to pour water over his head looking for the actual wound. After finding it, I realized it wasn't real deap. I called dh and talked with him about stopping the bleeding. I wasn't real concerned, just couldn't stop the bleeding. He reminded me that if I kept washing it I wasn't allowing it to clot. I love my husband. He always helps me reason things out. We kept blotting it throughout the day and now he is much better. In fact, it looks like a tiny puncture wound. We had a talk about NO bikes on the porch. Boys, Boys, Boys!! and Joy!!


Becky said...

Want me to give them other ideas instead?
When I was younger, our porch wasn't quite as high as ya'lls. One time we took a slide off of our tree house and set it sliding off the edge of the porch, then would get a board and "surf" down it. Standing up. It probably wasn't a good idea, but I don't think anyone ever got hurt.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

That's quite some porch to ride off of....I like the new look. I really need to go look around...after doing the whole beach thing, I've changed my mind again. ::snort::

RZ said...

Hey what is going on at home we need a new post.