Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More milking and calf pictures

I couldn't resist putting this picture up. We were actually trying to catch the calf and Ace decided to get involved.

Notice Joshua's nice PINK!! crocs. lol Did you ask Jenny if you could borrow those?
Joshua, Jimmie, and Michael playing with the calf this morning after an eventful time for Annie getting him home last night. Bessie had him hid and when Annie found him, he got scared and found a hole in a fence and ran out in the neighbors freshly plowed field. Annie shucked her boots, so she could run faster, and took off after him. He ran about a mile and a half through the plowed field, and part way through a wheat field that had cotton stubble in it. After he tired out and decided to take a rest Annie caught him and had to carry him all the way back through the fields to our property since he was too tuckered out to walk. As Annie was heading back to get her boots and somehow get the calf back over the fence to get home Super dad showed up to help out.

He's so very cute.

This mornings milkers

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Muddy Boys, Piano practice, and a day at the park

Muddy Boys!!!!!!!!!!!! Michael calls them the Mud Man Team!

Last week we had some rain and the boys decided they were going to swim in the creek, which is really a draw. Anyway, they came back muddy from head to toe. There really wasn't enough water to swim so they decided to have a mud fight.Friday we were in Ballinger to pick up produce. A few families got together to play at the park.
A bunch of good looking kids from just 6 families. We had 5 more from another family, however, they headed home for naps.Joy and Amy practicing piano.


Zesch milking machine; one hand on every tit. Jimmie did really good. He even shot his daddy. Must have something to do with his name. Jimmie Zesch (Pop) taught Roy to milk, years ago.

Patty was checking heifers yesterday and noticed Bessie was missing, so she Joy, and Jimmie started looking. After about 3 hours dad came home and found Bessie. After milking her a little in the field they brought her home and milked about 1and 1/2 quarts of colostrum. She was hiding her calf. They are checking on it this morning.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

More Colorado

Jimmie on one of the snow drifts outside our house.
The makings of a tunnel. They have a pretty good tunnel so far. Patty and Stella are in it..Stella and Michael in the back.Joshua in his side of the tunnel. They had two sides that connected together, however, it collapsed before we got a picture.Our stud girls bearing the cold, barefoot, in shorts and t-shirtsOur scenic drive home.

OK, Stella, its time to take a nap. We looked back and she had this grin on her face.
Then they all snoozed on the way home after a wonderful trip.The End!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

More ski pictures

Michael enjoyed playing outside every day and usually when we went out to check on him he was armed.

Annie at the wheel, continuing drivers education class on ice and snow. She literally drove through a snow storm.

Half of the crew headed for the gondola.Here come the rest, while Amy and I headed back to the house to tidy up and make lunch.