Friday, May 25, 2018


We have a bee keeper in the family.  Michael has taken up bee keeping.  He ordered his bee hive box kit, built and painted it.  Some dear friends of ours help Michael extract bees from Alex's pool table (bees had taken up residence there) that was stored under our barn.  

This is the pool table with the top pulled off.  You can see about 6 - 8 honey combs..

They gently vacuumed the bees into a 5 gallon bucket and cut the honey comb out. 

After they removed the honeycomb they placed each honeycomb in Michael's frames with a rubber band and they went into his bee hive box.  Interestingly,  once the bees have the honeycomb secured in each frame, they remove the rubber bands and carry them out of the hive.  

Lots of helpers

and Roy taking care of the boys who love to wrestle :):)

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Spring camping trip

Just hanging around on a camping trip!!!!

A little fishing off the pier
Eleanor helping Uncle Joshua spread out his tarp for his tent

A fun group !!!!!!!!
Spring church camping trip...  Getting the air mattresses blown up with the help of Eleanor...  We traveled to Lake Brownwood with friends and church group.  It is always so much fun to gather together for a few days to relax, eat good and play hard!!!

enjoying the lake
Big fish

Can I help  Popsicle ?  Now, that's how we start our camp fire:):)


Amy's spot

Let the cooking begin!!!

Bike trailer rides

Volleyball by the lake

Just adorable!!!!!!!!!

Lunch time for the fisherman


Boys and fishing

Fun in camp

Ready to go to the lake??

Fun in the water

Pop and Eleanor, Stella and Abigail having fun in the waves