Monday, April 4, 2011

The big hill and lots of fun!!!

We climbed up a really big sand dune and everyone had a great time sliding down. The work was climbing up, unless you had a buddy holding a rope for you to climb part way up.

Run, Patty; all the way to the top, feel the burn, feel the pain. The words of Patty's friend.

Joy, you are way over there.

Mommy, I'm sliding!!!!

Stella going down the big hill. She's so cute!!!!

Our group; we planned on taking a group picture on a sand dune and forgot, so we took one at the visitors center on the way out.

It was a great weekend; making memories!!! With the exception of missing our big girls.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Oh my goodness there is no way that that outfits Stella yet!!! I remember when I wore it!!! and I think it is at least a 6 lol