Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gluten free journey

Gluten free pizza crust
Gluten free tortillas

Recently we've read about how the wheat we use today has been very modified over the years to be disease resistant, to have a higher yield, be low profile, drought resistant;  and in these hybridizations the chromosome count has risen substantially.  Gluten seems to be the culprit for many ailments.  So, we decided to fast from grains for a week.  Many in our family did not notice any changes, however, Joshua who has congestion issues cleared up within a few days and could breathe normally.  We have reduced the amount of bread we eat overall.  We do however really like tortillas and pizza, so after many attempts I think I finally found a group of ingredients to work.  What is it you say?; main ingredients;  rice, oats, and quinoa.  Tortillas and pizza dough were both workable.  Yay!!!!!!!!