Saturday, January 31, 2009

The funny things kids say

Kids say some funny things sometimes. This afternoon Matthew came downstairs and his finger was bleeding, Jenny and I asked him what was wrong and he said that he cut it on Joshua's knife. We were asking him why he had it and where he got it and he said " I got it out of Joshua's drawer because I wanted to see if it would make me bleed"
Everyone burst out laughing and and promptly said we have to take pictures so we can post this on the blog.
So here are some pics of Matthew's finger.

This one is kinda hard to see it is before we bandaged it up.

This is Matthew after we doctored his war wound, for those of you who don't know he is doing the A&M Gig' Em sign.


~Tammy~ said...

I remember Daniel picking up Ben's mislaid knife for the first time.. and the STITCHES that should of been required were not given in favor of "superglue".

Ben had his knife priveleges revoked. (Left it on the back porch for pre-schooler Dan to find!)
Glad that your "twin" is OK!
Thanks for sharing!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I am finally playing along with tag, Annie. Thanks for being patient.