Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Since Annie posted she inspired me to post too. I think I should sit down and write a post and never seem to get to it. Guess I will have to get more committed.
Last night when we were getting ready to go to bed Michael came in with very mismatched pajamas on, which is not that uncommon. However, I asked if he could not find the pants that went with his pajama shirt. He said his leg fell in the soap bucket. We make our soap and keep it in a five gallon bucket. I guess he was playing king of the soap bucket and the lid wasn't on good and in went a leg. I asked him what he did with his soapy pants. He said he put them in the dryer. Oh no, Jenny had been washing all day. Now we had soapy pants added to a clean load in the dryer. I went to investigate. He actually had put his soapy pajama pants in the washer that had just spun out. So, we rewashed that load and certainly didn't need to add any soap. Hee Hee Wish I had a picture.

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