Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Horned toads and stickers

This is Michael's forth horned toad to catch in the last week. This one shot blood at Michael when he grabbed it. We've read that they will shoot blood, however, this is the first experience of one actually doing so. Notice on his right eye there is still a little blood. Interesting creatures.
Patty's Brazil team had a garage sale/bake sale/car wash this last weekend and we had some pricing stickers left over. The for children at home today asked if they could play with them. :)
Matthew, when you get that skinny your pants fall off.


Annie said...

Mom you should probably start feeding Matthew he is all skin and bones LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Love the fashions the Zesch youngers are wearing these days. ::snort::

Wow - that's a cool toad...and yes, I AM behind on reading blogs.....time to quit trying to "keep up" on facebook and settle in for some blog reading. LOL

sandrabullock said...
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